Selected Projects
Our work centers on culturally responsive program evaluation within education and community systems and the communities they serve. The featured projects on this page showcase our work with federal and state agencies, school districts, and community organizations and initiatives.
Street Law's Talking about Local, Current, and Contested Issues (TALCCS) Program
Evaluation of Street Law's Talking about Local, Current, and Contested Issues (TALCCS) program, a social studies professional development program that provided teachers with strategies, resources, and support for discussing potentially controversial issues in their classrooms and trained teacher-facilitators to work with other teachers in their schools and districts.
United Way of Dane County Tutoring Programs
External mixed-methods evaluation support, capacity building, technical assistance, and grant writing support for tutoring programs funded through AmeriCorps that provide academic and social-emotional support to Dane County students both during the school day and after school.
Odyssey Junior
Program evaluation of the UW-Madison Odyssey Project's youth program, which supports children in self-discovery, self-expression, and literacy. The evaluation focused on identifying impacts of the program in its initial years of implementation. The team also worked with Odyssey Junior staff to build their internal evaluation capacity.
Madison Metropolitan School District and Boys and Girls Club of Dane County AVID/TOPS Program
Impact evaluation of AVID/TOPS, a partnership between MMSD and the BGCDC to reduce achievement gaps in middle school and high school, achievement, and, most importantly, in postsecondary enrollment and completion.
Milwaukee Public Schools Advanced Academic Programs
Mixed-methods evaluations of two U.S. Department of Education grants that provide professional development to elementary school teachers in identifying and instructing advanced learners from traditionally underrepresented populations using inquiry-based and culturally responsive practices.
Milwaukee Public Schools Partnership Schools
Evaluation of a multi-faceted intervention in four low-performing and high-needs MPS schools involving several key supports: additional academic interventionists, social-emotional learning teachers and programming, expanded in-school tutoring and afterschool programming (provided by the Boys & Girls Club), and within-classroom direct instructional support provided by City Year.
Kenosha Unified School District Elementary Math Program Review
Evaluation and assessment of the district's math program across the district's 25 elementary schools, including curriculum, instructional practices and support, leadership, professional development, family engagement, equity, and inclusion.
One City Schools
Five-year project examining One City Schools' principles, implementation, and goals that will help show whether One City Schools' model of early childhood education can close educational and health gaps. Key evaluation areas include staff training, parent and community engagement, and student academic outcomes.
Educator Development and Support
Technical assistance and program evaluation support for the design and implementation of the state Educator Effectiveness System, including mentoring and induction efforts, Title II professional learning, teacher leadership, teacher and leader evaluation guides, the state principal evaluation rubric, the Working on the Work professional learning series, and training module development. Findings inform changes to the System and the development of local and statewide supports.
Achievement Gap Reduction
Multi-year, mixed methods evaluation of state legislation that provides reduced class sizes, 1-to-1 tutoring, and instructional coaching in grades K-3 at schools with significant populations of low-income students. WEC is evaluating AGR's impacts on academic outcomes and analyzing educator perspectives on the program's benefits.
Wisconsin Minnesota Comprehensive Center for Region 10 (WMCC10)
Advancing the use of evidence-based practices to improve the academic achievement of elementary and secondary school students in the two-state region. The WMCC10 team has extensive experience working with the Wisconsin Department of Instruction (DPI), Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), regional education support organizations, professional associations, and school districts to translate research into practical applications.
Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Evaluation
Evaluation of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction's 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) grant program to provide evaluation services and support in measuring and reporting state progress towards goals and objectives and technical assistance efforts for 21st CCLC sites.
Local Food for Schools Program
Evaluation of Wisconsin's Local Food for Schools program, funded by the USDA to support the purchase of local food for schools, to examine program participation, the benefits to schools and local farmers and producers, and the estimated economic impact on local markets.
State Longitudinal Data Systems
Partnership with DPI and others at UW focused on improving access to and use of data for educational decisionmaking, building and improving tools for educators, and providing direct evaluation support to various DPI projects and district initiatives.
Wisconsin School Mental Health Literacy
Partnership with DPI to understand mental health literacy across schools and districts across four focus areas: mental health knowledge, mental health promotion, providing mental health supports, and mental health beliefs/stigma.
Clinical Faculty Development Mentorship Program
Evaluation of the first year of a mentor training program for experienced clinical faculty within the Department of Medicine at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health, which indicates the program enhances the professional lives and faculty vitality of mentors.